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St Michael’s Catholic College Remote Learning Protocols

Select study level: Main School Curriculum Sixth Form Curriculum

In line with DFE guidance on the reopening of schools we must ensure that remote education is high quality and aligns as closely as possible with in college provision so that students can continue to make good or better progress.


1. Where individual students need to be absent from college for 14 days due to quarantine:

All departments need to devise 2 weeks worth of work and resources that complement or reinforce the curriculum plan in that subject for each half term for each year group. (This can be created on a rolling basis).

At Key stage 3 for core subjects this would be 6 lessons, for Ebacc 4 lessons and for Foundation subjects, 2 lessons. 50% of these lessons in each subject should be interactive in some way, for example narrated power points. Work will be set using google classroom by the individual subject teachers of those students and should be marked by them so that students receive feedback once a week as a minimum. Staff will be notified by Leaders of Learning when students have been told to quarantine. Remote registration will be undertaken by Leaders of Learning.

2. Full year group(s) in quarantine for 14 days

Subject lessons will be set as timetabled and will follow the curriculum and scheme of work for that period according to department curriculum maps. Live lessons should be delivered using google meet, along with narrated power points and other interactive activities. Low stakes testing to be used at the end of each week to inform next steps in learning and any follow up action needed. Lesson one on return to college will be a feedback lesson.

Non completion of work by students during this time will result in Saturday detention on return, along with nightly centralised year group detentions.

Form tutors will carry out remote registration with students at AM registration – non engagement will be followed up by DCA as per college absence policy.

2.  College closure due to lock down

All subject teachers set work as per the number of timetabled lessons in a week and will follow the curriculum and scheme of work for that period according to department curriculum maps. Feedback takes place for each subject weekly and low stakes testing takes place fortnightly (weekly for year 11and 13) to ensure that students have engaged with the learning and to address gaps.

Key stage 3:

Core subjects: 2 ‘live’ lessons using Google Meet/ week

Ebacc subjects: 1 ‘ live’ lesson using Google Meet / week

Foundation subjects: 1 live lesson / fortnight using Google Meet

Key stage 4 and 5: a minimum of 50% of lessons for each subject during the week should allow interaction between staff and students using google meet. Remote registers will be taken by form tutors at AM registration – non engagement will be followed up by DCA as per college absence policy.

Remote registers will be taken by form tutors at AM registration – non engagement will be followed up by DCA as per college absence policy.

Monitoring: at both levels 2 and 3 monitoring of work set will be undertaken by HODs and department post holders. Systems for this will be shared at middle leaders to ensure that the workload is manageable.