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Also, a Sixth Form Dress Code Reminder:

• Outdoor coats are not to be worn within the College building and all clothing must be free of logos or slogans.
• Hairstyles should not be extreme or unnaturally coloured.
• Blazers are compulsory for all students and must be worn at all times.
• Students may wear jumpers during the colder months, but they must be black, navy or grey and have a shirt/blouse underneath with visible collars.

Young Men
• Dark grey, navy or black suit (plain, no pinstripes)
• Plain white or coloured, formal shirt with collar and buttons (no stripes, designs or patterns)
• Smart, leather shoes. Boots and trainers are not worn unless for sport.
• Subtle jewellery/watches are to be worn only with no facial piercings, ear jewellery or visible tattoos.

Young Women
• Dark grey, navy or black suit (plain) – trousers or skirt/dress must be knee length. Leggings or jean-type trousers are not worn to be worn.
• Plain white or coloured, formal blouse with collar and buttons (no designs, stripes or patterns)
• Smart, leather, low-heeled shoes or short boots in winter. Trainers are not worn unless for sport.
• Subtle jewellery and make-up are to be worn only with small studs restricted to ears and no facial piercings, other ear jewellery or visible tattoos.